Graduating to Adult Dental Care: Soho Dentist’s Tips for Grads

Graduating to Adult Dental Care: Soho Dentist’s Tips for Grads

Graduating from high school means graduating into adulthood and figuring out who you want to become. Take this opportunity to also decide on your smile’s future. The choices you make and habits you form in young adulthood set the stage for your oral health down the line. The stakes might sound high, but the Soho dentists at Greene Street Dental explain how to make the transition to adult dental care easy. 

#1: Schedule Regular Checkups

Regular cleanings and checkups are essential for the early detection and prevention of health issues. Aim to visit our Soho dentist every six months. These appointments provide us with an opportunity to identify any problems and offer tailored advice to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Think of it as a self-care check-in to keep up your aesthetics and wellness. 

#2: Maintain a Routine

With a busy college schedule, it’s easy to neglect your oral hygiene. Make it a habit to brush twice a day and floss daily. We know you’ve heard this, but there’s a reason. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research reports that a staggering 90% of adults are affected by tooth decay. Consistency is key to preventing decay and conditions like gum disease. Make sure your smile remains bright, healthy, and youthful.

#3: Recognize Emergencies

Once you’re on your own, you’ll need to understand when you need immediate care. Acting promptly can make a significant difference in emergencies. Everyday urgent situations include: 

  • Severe toothaches
  • Lost teeth or restorations
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Infections or abscesses 
  • Dry socket 
  • Bleeding or injured gums

If you experience any of these, don’t hesitate to seek immediate care at Greene Street Dental. Delaying can lead to further complications and more extensive treatment. Always have the contact information of our emergency dentist in Soho on hand: (212) 226-5777.

#4: Manage Stress

College life can be stressful! That stress can affect your oral health more than you realize. One of the lesser-known consequences is bruxism—habitual teeth grinding or clenching. Bruxism can cause tooth wear, sensitivity, and jaw pain. 

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine, like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. The Soho dentists at Greene Street Dental can also create a custom mouthguard to wear at night.

#5: Snack Mindfully

You’re free to eat what you want. But should you? Try to limit cavity-causing sugary snacks and beverages. Instead, opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Drinking plenty of water can also help wash away food particles and reduce the risk of cavities. It’s okay to indulge every once in a while, but use this period of freedom to find out what a healthy diet looks like for you. 

Lifelong Oral Health Starts Now with Our Soho Dentist

As you embark on this new phase of life, set yourself up for oral health success. Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, so preserve it and treat it with the care it deserves at Greene Street Dental. Investing now ensures your smile will serve you faithfully for years to come. For even more tailored advice, schedule an appointment with our Soho dentist today.

Same-Day Tooth Removal vs. Traditional Extraction: Which is Right for You?

Same-Day Tooth Removal vs. Traditional Extraction: Which is Right for You?

Dental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and sometimes, tooth removal becomes a necessary procedure to maintain that health. With advancements in dental technology, patients now have options for tooth extraction procedures. Among these, same-day tooth removal is becoming increasingly popular, but how does it compare to traditional tooth removal procedures? Here, our emergency dentists in NYC will explore both methods to help you decide which option is right for you.

Comparing Same-Day vs. Traditional Extraction

Same-day tooth removal is a cutting-edge procedure offered by Greene Street Dental. This method utilizes the latest dental technology to remove a tooth and, if necessary, replace it within the same appointment. The primary advantage of same-day tooth removal is its convenience and efficiency, reducing the need for multiple visits.


On the other hand, traditional tooth removal procedures have been the standard for many years. This process typically involves an initial consultation, an extraction appointment, and possibly follow-up visits. While traditional methods are effective, they may require more time from your schedule, spanning several days or weeks.

Recovery Time

One significant advantage of same-day tooth removal is the shortened recovery time. Since everything is done in one appointment, patients can start their recovery immediately. Traditional procedures, however, might require a more extended recovery period, especially if multiple appointments repeatedly stress the affected area. Nevertheless, proper aftercare is crucial for both methods to ensure a speedy recovery.

Cost & Convenience

When considering same-day tooth removal, patients often find the consolidated procedure more convenient. It saves time and potentially reduces the cost of multiple appointments. While traditional methods may require numerous visits and expenses, the price can vary depending on the individual’s needs. Our dental office aims to provide transparent pricing to help you make informed decisions regarding your dental health. 

Complexity of Dental Needs

The choice between same-day tooth removal and traditional procedures depends on the complexity of your dental needs. Our emergency dentists offer consultations to evaluate the more suitable method, ensuring you receive the most effective and appropriate care. In some cases, same-day tooth removal may not be possible due to the complexity of the case or underlying issues.

Patient Experience & Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is a top priority at Greene Street Dental. Many patients appreciate the quick and efficient nature of same-day tooth removal, as it minimizes the disruption to their daily lives. While effective, traditional tooth extraction procedures may not offer everyone the same level of convenience and satisfaction. That’s why our team of experienced dentists is committed to providing personalized and high-quality care for each patient, ensuring their needs and expectations are met. 

Ready to Explore Our Same-Day Services in NYC?

Choosing between same-day tooth removal and traditional procedures is a decision best discussed with a trusted dental professional. At Greene Street Dental, our same-day dentists are committed to providing our patients in New York City with the highest standard of care regardless of which method they choose. Our experienced team is here to guide you through your options to determine the most effective treatment plan for your specific needs. 

Don’t wait until an emergency arises; start caring for your teeth now! Call us today at (718) 550-2507 to learn more about how we can help you achieve your dental health goals.

What Is a Calculus Bridge? Soho Dentists Answer

What Is a Calculus Bridge? Soho Dentists Answer

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy smile, but sometimes, despite our best efforts, dental issues can arise. A calculus bridge is a common health concern that can have significant side effects if not addressed. Often underestimated, this dental condition can lead to severe complications if left untreated. In this blog, our sincere Soho dentists delve into what a calculus bridge is, its side effects, risks, and the treatments available.

Understanding Dental Calculus and Calculus Bridges

Plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on the teeth and along the gum line. When plaque is not removed by regular brushing and flossing, it can harden into calculus, which is much more difficult to remove.

Dental calculus, commonly known as tartar, is a hardened plaque that has been calcified on your teeth. Furthermore, researchers indicate that plaque calcifies within 1 to 14 days. When dental calculus accumulates across multiple teeth, a physical “bridge” of hardened tartar forms above and below the gum line, and it is typically the consequence of poor oral hygiene over an extended period.

Side Effects and Risks

Before we explore the treatment options for a calculus bridge, it’s crucial to understand the potential side effects and risks associated with this oral health condition. If left untreated, a calculus bridge can lead to more serious health problems over time.

  • Bad Breath: The presence of a calculus bridge can also lead to chronic bad breath (halitosis) due to the bacteria trapped within the tartar. 
  • Gum Disease and Periodontitis: One of the most immediate risks of a calculus bridge is the development of gum disease. As calculus forms near the gum line, it can cause inflammation, leading to gingivitis, which can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease that can damage the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth.
  • Tooth Loss: Moreover, if left unchecked, the continued growth of calculus can ultimately lead to tooth loss, as the structure of the teeth becomes compromised.
  • Systemic Health Issues: Oral health is linked to overall health, with periodontal disease being associated with heart disease, diabetes, and other systemic conditions. Therefore, the risks of ignoring a calculus bridge extend beyond the mouth.

Treatment Options

While a calculus bridge not only affects the appearance of our smile, it also poses a threat to our overall oral health. Don’t worry; our lower Manhattan dentists can guide you through everything you need to know about your treatment options.

  • Professional Dental Cleaning: The primary treatment for a calculus bridge is professional dental cleaning. Dentists, especially those in high-end practices like SoHo dentists in Lower Manhattan, have the tools and expertise necessary to safely remove calculus without damaging the tooth enamel or gums.
  • Scaling and Root Planing: For more advanced cases, a procedure known as scaling and root planing may be required. This deep-cleaning process involves removing the tartar from above and below the gum line and smoothing out the tooth roots to help the gums reattach to the teeth.
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Oral Hygiene: After the calculus has been removed, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to prevent recurrence. Regular brushing, flossing, and use of an antiseptic mouthwash can help keep plaque at bay.

Find Calculus Bridge Treatment in SoHo

Understanding what a calculus bridge is, its risks, and how to treat and prevent it is essential for anyone looking to maintain good oral health. Whether you’re currently experiencing symptoms or simply looking to prevent future dental issues, reach out to our SoHo dentists in Lower Manhattan for the care and guidance necessary for a healthy, happy smile.

Here Comes the Sun: Dentists in Soho Deep Dive Into How the Sun Affects Your Oral Health

Here Comes the Sun: Dentists in Soho Deep Dive Into How the Sun Affects Your Oral Health

When we bask in the sun’s glow, our minds often wander about the warm embrace on our skin.  While it’s no secret that the sun can affect our moods and skin, did you know that solar rays play a part in your oral health, too? In this blog, our dentists in Soho shed light on how the sun affects your smile.

Vitamin D

Suppose your primary care physician has ever suggested adding vitamin D supplements to your daily routine. In that case, you might be 1 of 1 billion around the globe who suffer from a vitamin D deficiency.

Luckily, one of the sun’s perks is its gift of natural vitamin D for free! This vital nutrient aids in calcium absorption, which is essential for sturdy and healthy teeth. Insufficient vitamin D may weaken your teeth, making them prone to cavities. With caution, bask in the sunshine every day to keep your smile radiant and healthy!

Oral Cancer

Unfortunately, the sun’s UV rays are a double-edged sword. While the sun provides vitamin D, it can escalate the risk of oral cancer. The lips are especially susceptible to sun damage, potentially paving the way for cancerous cells.

Fortunately, it’s possible to be proactive against oral cancer and, at the very least, catch it early so that you have a fighting chance to combat this deadly disease. When soaking up the sun, rock a lip balm with SPF or wear a hat to shield your lips. Also, remember to inspect your mouth for any peculiar sores or growths on a monthly basis. Lastly, we strongly encourage adults to schedule annual oral cancer screenings with our caring dentists in Soho.

Dry Mouth

Did you know that dry mouth can be caused by sun exposure? As you lie in the sunshine, dehydration starts to kick in. If your body lacks moisture, saliva production slows down, leading to a parched and puckered mouth.

It’s important to understand that saliva isn’t just for digesting your next meal. Saliva is the unsung hero for oral health, fighting acids, clearing away food bits, and helping prevent cavities. Therefore, it’s important to stay hydrated to keep your smile shining bright!

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

While a bit of sun can brighten our smiles, too much can spell trouble for our well-being. Excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun heightens the likelihood of gum disease creeping in. Moreover, these rays can harm the delicate tissues in our mouths, paving the way for bacteria to sneak in and trigger infections. Fortunately, our gifted in-house periodontist is well-equipped to take care of your gums.

Our Dentists in Soho Keep Your Smile Bright

The sun isn’t just shining down on us; it’s also impacting our oral health! While a bit of sun can be awesome for our teeth and gums, remember to shield and limit yourself from overexposure and keep up with good dental hygiene.

If you want more tips and tricks to keep your smile beaming just the sun, don’t hesitate to contact our dentists in Soho. Greene Street Dental looks forward to keeping your smile radiant.

Manhattan Emergency Dentist: Laser Therapy Vital to Urgent Dental Care

Manhattan Emergency Dentist: Laser Therapy Vital to Urgent Dental Care

A lot of patients come in for same-day emergency appointments because of tooth and jaw pain. Although treating the underlying cause of that pain is the ultimate solution, treating the pain itself is also a priority of our Manhattan emergency dentist. That’s where lasers come into the picture. Laser therapy in dental care reduces inflammation and promotes healing. Below, the team at Greene Street Dental explains why we’ve embraced laser therapy in urgent dental care. 

Reduced Pain and Inflammation

Unlike traditional dental tools, which can cause discomfort and inflammation on top of what you’re already experiencing, laser therapy has a more targeted approach. This not only alleviates immediate pain but also avoids long-term discomfort. The end result? Reduced pain that stays away, giving you a much more manageable recovery period. If you need urgent dental care, laser dentistry ensures that your path to pain relief is fast.

Less Swelling

Swelling is a common side effect of dental procedures, particularly emergency ones where the tissue involved is probably inflamed to begin with. After all, you’re coming to see us at Greene Street Dental because you’re already in pain. Thanks to laser dentistry’s precision, we can significantly reduce additional damage to surrounding tissue. This minimizes the swelling you experience after a dental procedure. Less swelling means you’ll be back on your feet and returning to daily activities with minimal downtime.

Faster Healing

The combination of reduced pain, inflammation, and swelling naturally means you’ll experience a faster healing process. But laser therapy does even more than that by helping your blood vessels clot during procedures. In layman’s terms, that means you’ll bleed less, and faster clotting accelerates tissue repair. An example would be if we perform an emergency tooth extraction. Our laser treatment can help with the formation of a blood clot in the socket, on top of soothing pain from the procedure. 

Precise Treatment

In emergencies, the margin for error is slim. Imprecise treatment can cause severe consequences, so accurate care is crucial. Lasers offer unparalleled precision, allowing our Manhattan emergency dentist to treat affected areas of inflammation with finesse. This level of targeting makes our urgent dental care more effective—we only treat the area where you’re experiencing a problem, eliminating any collateral damage. 

Same-Day Results

When you’re experiencing an emergency, you need pain relief right away, not hours after your appointment or later on in your recovery process. Our emergency dental clinic already offers same-day appointments, so our emergency laser therapy also delivers same-day results. You come in for your appointment, we treat your emergency, and we use laser therapy to relieve your pain, all in one visit. 

Our Laser Therapy Sets Us Apart

While other practices offer laser therapy only for specific conditions or for pre-scheduled appointments, Greene Street Dental understands its many applications, including for emergencies. After all, that’s when you need urgent pain management the most. By embracing laser technology, our Manhattan emergency dentist makes visiting our office less intimidating and more comfortable, even in emergency scenarios. Contact our New York City dentist office today for a same-day appointment. We’ll use every tool at our disposal to treat your symptoms and their source.